It was said that Janus was the god of the past, present, and future, of gates, entrances, war and peace, and patron of all beginnings. He was also one of the gods who didn't have a Greek counterpart.
The son of Apollo, he was born in Thessaly. Early in his life he traveled to Italy, where he founded the city of Janiculum. Later, an exiled Saturn, the father of Jupiter, arrived in Italy and they shared the throne. Italy prospered and during that period of time it was called the Age of Gold.
Janus was said to have two faces, one turned forward and one turned backward because he was known to have connections, not just with the present, but with the past and future also. He was also considered to have ties with the sun- starts the day when it rises, and ends the day when it sets.
The foward-face usually was youthful, while the other had white hair and a beard. Other times it was said that he had three to four heads instead of two. He sometime appears with a key in his right hand and a rod in the other. Another instance he is holding a 300 in one and a 65 in the other.
Every new year, month, and day was sacred to Janus. He also watched over all gates and avenues, and all prayers to the immortal gods passed through him, thus his name was first invoked in all religious ceremonies.
Information from Myths of Greece and Rome, by H. A. Guerber, Copyright, 1921, by H. A. Guerber. Used for non-profit purposes, so please don't sue.