Welcome to the SailorMoon Knights homepage. This page has gone through a total revamp. I got tired of the old look and wanted something more colorful than black. I hope you like it. It's kinda bright, but you'll get used to it. :P To your left is a menu for you to explore. Below are descriptions of what's in the area.
-- Information about my FanCharacters of SM Knights. Eleven total FanSenshi, only a few are actually posted. Plus, info about SailorMoon and the Senshi's new attacks in SMK.
-- My art. Most are pictures of various Senshi, both fan-created and the originals with new looks.
-- And now the main course. Two are finished One-shots and three incomplete versions of my SMK series.
-- Disclaimers, credits, and thanks given where they are due. Contains font and program lists used in the creation of this webpage.
-- A listing of other fan-based SailorMoon character pages that I've visited.