Three years before...
In the dark depths of the Negaverse, a lone figure appears in a whispy cloud of energy. He examines the room, crinkling his nose at its distasteful appearance. The room is extremely large, filled with broken furniture, scientific equipment, and other numerous objects that are covered with years of dust from abandonment. He raises his hand, concentrates a moment, and a bright globe of light appears, illuminating the farthest corners of the room.
"Well, well," he says softly, eyes glistening mischievously, as he begins to walk toward the northern-most corner. "What have we here?" He grins triumphantly at the four objects he's been looking four: three coffins and an enormous crystal. He opens the three coffins and procedes to take a few strands of hair, placing them in separate Ziplock� bags. Then he moves over to the crystal.
Placing his hand on the smooth crystal, he wipes away some of the dust. Suddenly, his hand glows bluish-black, immediately shattering the object. As shards scatter all over the floor, a blond haired man falls amidst them to his knees, gasping for air.
"Wh..who are y..you?" the man spits out in-between breaths. "And why have you freed me?"
"Who I am is none of your concern," the other man's eyes narrow as he pulls a long, cylindrical object out of his pocket. "You won't feel a thing." Focusing some green energy around his hand, he places it onto the fallen man, paralyzing him. He stabs the man with the cylinder, extracting some of his blood. "The paralyzing effect will wear off soon. I suggest you get out of here when it does. The Negaverse is about to be destroyed by the Ginzuishou." He steps back and disappears.
After regaining the use of his body, the man gets up and moves around a bit. He exits the room via a black portal and reappears in a throne room. As his eyes move to a doorway, a bright light catches his attention.
"What is that light?" he thinks as his eyes, opening wide, stare in wonder. "So... bright... powerful...Is that the power of the Ginzuishou?"
Suddenly, the white light expands quickly, engulfing him in the process. Then everything falls dark again.
The man blinks rapidly as his eyes adjust to the brightness of his surroundings. His eyes widen as he recognizes the three other men floating along side him. "You!"
"It's nice to see you, too," the brown haired man smirks.
"Do you have any idea where we are?" a darker, strawberry blond glances at him. He just shrugs.
"Do you think we're dead?" the white-haired man murmurs aloud.
"You are not dead," a soothing voice startles them.
"Who's there? Show yourself!" he demands as he tries to summon an energy blast. His hand glows briefly, then fades. "My powers! They're useless!"
"Do not worry. I am not your enemy," a figures appears in front of them.
"Nani?! Queen Serenity!" the white-haired man sneers as the others gasp. "You're supposed to be dead!"
"Hai. Now it is time purge Metallia's demons from your soul!" She raises her hand and a yellow light erupts from it, blinding and swallowing them.
As each man scream, four shadowy spirits fly out of each and disintegrate. The four men stagger, each dazed from the cleansing of their soul.
"Welcome back, Generals of Earth," she smiles briefly at them. "And now it is time for you to be given what was taken from you." Another flash of light, pink this time, engulfs them and they disappear.
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